
Aral Sea Lake 2024: A Devastating Transformation of Nature

Aral Sea Lake: A Time For Prayer After an exhausting train journey across Uzbekistan—stretching from the capital, Tashkent, all the way to the mesmerizing desert town of Khiva, near the Turkmenistan border—we were about to embark on the most intense and fascinating adventure of our trip: a small expedition into Karakalpakstan, the autonomous Uzbek region […]

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starry night on the Amazon

Leticia Amazon Expedition: A 5 days Jungle Adventure

Introduction: A Journey into the Amazon As a child, I never found joy in playing with soldiers, figurines, or toy cars. My heart was always drawn to encyclopedias and geographical atlases. Whenever I stumbled upon a grand and charming book at the bookstore, I implored my grandmother to purchase it for me. Among my most

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